31. jan. 2010

Sorry Peps (are there really any of you?), doing this in Norwegian from now on. I tried, but I guess this blog would work better in English if I had more pictures and didn't write as much. Baaii!

Jess, da ble det norsk igjen. Funker mye bedre tror jeg, mye lettere å skrive. Slipper liksom å tenke så mye da, selv om det kanskje kunne vært en idé hvis jeg faktisk vil ha lesere.

For tiden har jeg vært ganske tom. Tom for ord, tom for følelser og tanker. Når hørtes jeg jo grusom ut, men det var ikke poenget. Som for eksempel på fredag. Jeg var akkurat ferdig med oppgaven min i Samfunnsfag (som jeg forøvrig hadde sittet med lenge), og det var helt stille. Uten at det egentlig var det likevel. Utrolig vanskelig å forklare, men jeg følte meg så tom for alt at jeg kunne høre trykket i lufta. Jeg hørte stillheten og det var forferdelig ekkelt. Det er da man tenker uten ytre uttrykk, og man virkelig, virkelig er alene.

Så sånn var det, Me sjåast!

Har ikke peiling på hvorfor bildene roteres av seg selv. 


30. jan. 2010

It has been a while, and I am quite out of inspiration, motivasion and any other factor you need to write in such a way that people actually would want to read.

However, I have to write something, or so I feel.

So I was thinking about making things. I want to make things, any creative, beautiful thing. Problem is, I have no gifts when it comes to such crafts, I am not a good photographer, and as I have mentioned before I have no inspiration. I would like to make my own clothes, I would like to be very good at something. Anything. I wish I had a passion, basically. Oh, I'm frustrated, and now I will end this post, even if I give it no real ending.


22. jan. 2010


16. jan. 2010

My plan was to take photos today, of  the beautiful trees. When I woke up this morning it was all gone. It was actually quite sad. So no fun things will appear on this blog to day, or at least that is very unlikely.

Miss that hair.

Many might wonder what the purpose of this blog is. And the only true answer to that is; There is absolutely NO purpose to the content of this blog what so ever. It is not meant to be popular, It is not meant to have meaningful words in it, and the context will suck. I will write what ever falls into my head at that moment, and it might be stupid and without meaning, or it may also sometimes be deep, even though yu shouldn't expect anything.

and right now my mind is completely empty, so there will be no more words in this post. starting now.


15. jan. 2010

Just bought tickets for England, can't wait! It will only be a short trip, two days, but hey, England. Going to Norwich to visit Stian, who goes to school there. Horay!


Going out today, a guy in my class is throwing a party for the peps in my class. Can't wait, it will be awesome! Trondheim is really beautiful at the moment, the trees are completely covered with white ice crystals. There was a mild day the other day, so there was a lot of fog. Then it got cold again, at the world turned beautiful. So tomorrow I think I'll be going out to take pictures.

ANYCASE, there is a website I'd like you to visit, it's called sleeptalkingman.blogspot.com. I mentioned it yesterday, but seriously. Laughed so hard.


14. jan. 2010

I'm proud, I've done all my homework, so now I'm watching The Big Bang Theory and looking at old pictures. NOSTALGIA.

that's nice. The girls had a little party, and it is really a thing I'd like to do again.

Interesting. Made myself pancakes for dinner tonight. With delicious blueberry jam. That's how we do it in Norway, no syrup to see!

"I haven't put on weight. Your eyes are fat." from sleeptalkingman.blogspot.com


12. jan. 2010

... not the pictures that is. The times of course. And maybe the pictures.

I don't know what the expression is in English, but in Norwegian the picture above would be described with the word; FJORTISS. I can tell so much that it is called fjortiss because of the age fourteen (fjorten). yeah, u get my point.

SO explaining.

I'm glad to see that I have changed too though.


I'll just keep this layout for a while, even if I hate it...

In other news today, im going to England for winter holiday. real nice, going to visit Stian, who lives there for å year. Was really surprised when my parents told me they'd pay for the whole shebang. Was NOT expecting that, but who am I to decline? I was just really happy and relieved when they told me.

All glittery


10. jan. 2010

Been struggling with the layout for a long time now, and can't get anything done. That's why the blog looks TERRIBLE right now.

edit: kind of better now, at least it doesn't look like something shat all over my blog. : ))


Yesterday I was at UFFA (youth for free activity, or Ungdom for fri aktivitet). Tomrom and Tadpole played, and it was superawesome and a lot of people. Didn't take any photos though, too bad.


8. jan. 2010

Sending my appliccation for school in France. Just need to get my semester grades first, next Friday. Can't wait.

What is up with that expression anyways? "Can't wait". There is actually no point in saying it, cause you have to wait anyways. Well, no reason for being irritated, because there are tons of expressions like this.

random. ANYSHOW!

yeah, so FRANCE. If I get in I will be spending the next three years in the French school system. Going to take my whole "high school" education there. (That is called Lycée in french and Videregående in norwegian). French Lycée is much harder the norwegian school, but I am motivated an prepared. I really want to do this, there is no doubt in how I want to spend the next three years of my life.

Even if I don't get in I'm prepared to move out next year. Not because I haate living at home so much or anything like that, it is just that I have a need to prove myself. I NEED to be independent, I need to live and take care of myself. I guess most 16 year olds feel this way, but then I think I need a chance to try. At the very least.

and NOW! a random picture of a banana.


6. jan. 2010

It's so cold outside! 
It is usually very cold here in the winter, but now it is -27 C degrees. (That's -16,6 fahrenheit)


5. jan. 2010


2. jan. 2010

When I get bored I start taking pictures. Then I get too lazy to move out of the sofa. This results in these kind og pictures:

Eventually I had to og up to my Mum's house again, and took a few pictures on the way up.

Leftovers from New Years eve

"silent hill" hehhhehe. i'm so incredibly funny.

Great shoes on white snow.


Photos by Ibai Acevedo


Resolution: Stop

picture taken by me

Happy new year everybody. It's kind of sad actually, because this means school starts on Monday. It is not that I hate school, it is more that I love some time off.